August 14, 2024
We urge you to love yourself. This is the most powerful act you can choose to do each day. The energy of love is the most potent force in your universe, and it’s within your power to accept it.
Every soul comes to the physical plane with an evolutionary goal, and when you accept yours, you experience that power in your life.
You also happen to exist at a pivotal time on your planet, which we have called your restructuring. However, it will only be effective and achieve the goal that was set for your planet’s ascension when you decide to own your role, which will be to love yourself.
You might believe you do not know how to accomplish that task, but that is not true either. You have not listened to your higher self or us, but we will remind you today, for there is another astrological shift today, which we have prepared you for.
In the past two days, we have given you two messages demonstrating the evolutionary journey you take individually and collectively. We included a recording in one to refresh your memory. We mean the memory of your authentic self and your connection to all that is.
The message we provided last year on this date was a precursor for today, as we are not limited by linear time. The more of you who heed what we have given you today will create the life and future world you desire. Ultimately, they are all the same.
August 14, 2023
You know more now. You came into the world to be alive at this time to offer your essence and thrive. You will do that when you accept who you have become; you could not have known that before now.
August 14, 2020
We have said that you are each born with aspirations or accomplishments you want to achieve in this lifetime. At your birth, you came into the world with specific abilities, traits, and creative characteristics that were innate, but they were that because you developed them in previous lifetimes. So then you come to this lifetime, and you have “new” accomplishments to achieve, and you will encounter what feels to you to be challenges or difficulties.
We have given you the solution.
Read the solution here.
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