August 12, 2024
We have given you everything you need. The guidance you sought has always been within you, but we helped you hear your higher self when it was time for you to awaken. Due to your restructuring, the energies on your planet today will allow more of you to hear yourselves and get on with manifesting an extraordinary life and world.
“Your Life Operating Instructions” we gave our messenger was designed to do just that, and we timed it with the elevation of consciousness on your planet. But he, like many of you, did not fully appreciate what we provided, so we decided to give another example, as we have before, but you will hear us today.
Self-doubt is one of the most significant hindrances to your ascension, but we hope this example will aid each of you and our messenger.
We have often said we have given you everything you needed to ascend, but it was your self-belief that was lacking, but that was also purposeful, as you will read.
You won’t know you have accomplished anything without first doubting it and then doing what you doubt and then to experiencing the miraculous benefits in your lives. But be patient with yourself because you have practiced impatience and that works against you and depletes your available energy.
It is our hope that each of you will finally take control of your lives and develop the innate gifts and talents within you. You will be able to achieve this more effectively today as we leave the messages we have been leaving since 2012. The energy you hold within you is far more valuable than you have ever known.
You are evolving in your consciousness individually and collectively over linear time, but we do not and could provide this guidance beforehand. The one thing we cannot do is interfere with your free will to accept this information. However, we believe that today might be the day when you more fully accept yourself and that is all we desire.
The most powerful and loving thing you can do now is to forgive yourself and others, and decide to prosper and manifest the life and world you desire. After all, as we have said, we have given you everything you need and demonstrated the healing and effectiveness of it through our messenger and others.
But still, he and you have not fully committed to experiencing your enormous potential. However, we believe that today might be the day. Your planet is depending on you, and as we also said, your ancestors are watching with curiosity. They had every intention to create the world you want, but you are the one with the potential now.
You will see that each year, we provide an up-leveling of your mindset and awareness so that it can become more permanent. We wanted more of you to stop endlessly searching for the magic pill that would heal your life, so we provided it. Your mind will shift as you read each message, and repetition over days will aid your absorption.
Over generations you make new discoveries and one was of your neuroscience so might gain a better understanding and use of your mind. But we have done is guided you to use your brain to reach your higher mind which is why we said we have given you an ascension guide. You soul’s journey will be fulfilled.
August 12, 2012
There is little to be gained when you attempt to create something, and your main focus is on doing it right. In other words, when you try to do it right, it also means that you are accepting some pre-established limit or restriction on what is possible and, in that manner, unknowingly block other information that might come to you that could cause your expansion.
This also does not mean that you ignore what has already been accomplished or achieved in your mass consciousness, but your intention was to also do and achieve more. The real value in what you do is always found when you seek to go beyond limits and restrictions.
August 12, 2013
Think bigger. This is probably one of the most essential admonitions that you could hold in your awareness. You have had difficulty with this concept because you were taught at a very early age that daydreaming was a complete waste of time and that you would be better off pursuing something that was already established and more concrete, so to speak, so that you could experience “security.”
The idea of security flies in the face of expansion. The entire notion tells you that you should not attempt to do, be, or create anything outside of what exists and has previously been accepted as the “norm.” Your intention was always to expand, which means becoming more and creating something new.
You will take this entire process more to heart when you recognize that you are continually operating with limited awareness. This is precisely because you desire to think bigger in order to expand as you intended.
August 12, 2014
When you observe the birth of a newborn, most times, they come into the world kicking and screaming. They do this as an expression of their own resistance to leaving a place of safety and moving into an unknown territory.
This is, to a greater or lesser extent, what you do as you are about to embark on a new journey in your life or move into an unknown territory of your own expansion.
You would now be wise to become aware of this process; understand that what causes you to exhibit that kicking and screaming is your own fear. Then you will have a remembrance of what you are up to and what you intended on this life journey. Embrace the fear and decide to use it knowing that it allows you to make the difference you intended.
August 12, 2015
You have been given the gift of contrast, and you only ever experience difficulty in your physical life experience because you momentarily forget that you have the ability to make choices from the contrast that is presented to you.
Now, to decipher that long sentence, contrast is merely the opposite or opposing ends of a particular spectrum.
For instance, you can instantly see the contrast in what you experience as being either night or day, darkness or light, or good and bad. These are all experiences you have continually. You would not know what felt good to you without the experience of what felt bad.
Now, the choice that you always make depends on your thinking. While you cannot control when night or day occurs, you can control your experience of it. Decide to do this with everything.
August 12, 2016
You struggle to experience self-determination, and then you struggle to feel that you deserve to have self-determination. Self-determination, as it is being used here, specifically means that you are making choices in your life because they are what you desire, and you know they are leading you in the direction you want to go and where you do not feel you are being forced or have to make those choices.
That was such an important sentence for you to thoroughly study and hopefully come to own.
You also think at times that if you were to fully exercise your self determination that it might cause you become selfish and insensitive to others, however you will find that precisely the opposite is true.
You will feel empowered which will cause you to become even more giving and generous to others.
August 12, 2017
All paths to empowerment are correct because they are created by the individual who holds them for their specific purposes and reasons. You are doing precisely the same thing, but you don’t always honor and value the path you have chosen. Because of this, you also tend to question the paths that others have chosen because you have not fully identified and valued your own.
As you begin to do so, you will let go of the judgment you hold about others and yourself. You will no longer be dependent on anyone else agreeing with your path, and you will grant everyone else the privilege, in your thinking, to do the same.
You only have to choose your path.
August 12, 2018
You had to make it dramatic to capture your attention. You and all other do this, but you decided to use your experience for the good of all, especially your expansion.
You recently discovered several things you had conveniently placed away years ago with no conscious intention of finding them. Then things began showing up as you decided to seek an honest quest to discover who you are.
Now, this can at first be emotionally painful for you, as you experienced last night because you come to realize it has been you denying you, and therefore everything you want. Be grateful for the awareness, and use it now.
August 12, 2019
This time, it will be different. How many times have each of you said that sentence to yourselves? We are now going to use Roger to make it real for him, and through his example, many of you will cause it to be true in your lives.
Yesterday, Roger spent his day creating a program that would allow others to develop their abilities to connect to their guides, such as us. Most of his creative process felt like it was out of his hands, and he allowed the information from us to come through. He didn’t even remember what he said.
Many hours later, he reluctantly watched the first four-minute video and was instantly struck by two things. The first was his hesitation in viewing it, based on his old self-judgment. The second was the recognition that what he saw was valuable.
This morning, he awakened with doubt about the entire process. Then he pulled out the words that we “inadvertently” gave him during his filming, which obviously he’d not embodied fully, but now he will. Here it is for all of you.
“There is a wealth of information within every individual, and as they begin to accept and believe that is possible, it will manifest into material wealth in their lives.”
August 12, 2020
You were born to discover your worth. We love this message so much, for it is one that will speak to all.
You are collectively discovering your worth due to your world’s conditions, but you have always done this. In other words, you agreed to be born during a particular time to enable you to have individual experiences that would cause you to evolve, which inevitably adds to the evolvement of all.
The only difficulty you have experienced in your life is due to you not understanding and accepting the process precisely as Roger didn’t, but that causes him to fulfill his purpose, as we will explain.
Yesterday, Roger had a group meeting where the topic discussed was, “Why is change so difficult? As Roger looked at the group, he saw his purpose. Roger knew that he had experienced the fear and uncertainty many were, and because of that, when he shared his experience with others, they found some solace, and they offered that to others.
It became quite apparent to Roger that his life trajectory had brought him to this moment in his life, and he attracted to him all those who would benefit. None of you are in accidental places or having accidental experiences, including your pandemic.
There is a process we gave Roger some time ago that was discussed last night: “What are you hiding?” That process intends to get you to examine those things that you have judged about yourself, regretted, believed you did something wrong, or any other limiting thought you may have had.
When you are no longer willing to hide those things from yourself and others, you will find your worth. It took Roger a while to find that purpose, and yours will emerge in the perfect time in your life, and this current time is helping you.
August 12, 2021
All of your opinions matter. We could have also said your opinions have always mattered, and that may better inform this message and what we are leading you to on Sunday, which will provide greater clarity and comfort.
You each came into the world to evolve. You are doing that according to the orientation of your soul this time. We are saying that you have inhabited many previous life experiences and carry the essence of those experiences. Each one has led to the continuous evolution of your world.
You came in this time with very definite opinions about yourself and your world. These opinions begin to emerge as you experience this life. As they arise and you become aware of them, you also intend to embrace them as you know they would complete an aspect of the evolution you want to experience. At times, you have not done that.
Yesterday we had Roger hear a portion of a woman speaking of the choices she felt were coming in your world, of which we have also spoken. Still, there also seemed to be a struggle with acknowledging that her opinions might be more aligned to one political party. Then others of you think that if you take a position, you are somehow not being spiritual.
The most spiritual thing you might do is recognize your opinions in that arena and decide to own them, for as you do, you permit all others to hold theirs, and the goal that each of you set would be further achieved. Each time you move through a restructuring such as this, you and the world come out much stronger and lighter, for you have included more of yourself. You will be fine.
August 12. 2022
Love yourself first. We know those words are challenging for some of you to accept. Like Roger, you might have lived your life deferring to the needs and wishes of others. You are in a new place in your evolution and your world.
We have said you were moving through a restructuring and told you the United States would lead the way. We provided that aspect of the puzzle, for we knew you would recognize those occurrences rather than those that occurred in your earthly experience thousands of years ago, but that is where you and your world are now. You help yourself and your world by deciding to love yourself.
That was the intent of our work. When Roger held his workshop yesterday, he attempted to explain it all, but he was holding back as his need to try to help more people caused him to doubt and withhold love from himself, as you might have. But if you decide to love yourself first, that act will change your life and, consequently, your world.
You are the only one who can make that choice, and if you do, you will release your generational fear and doubt and allow abundance into your life and the world. We continue to help, for, as we said, your resistance to change has held you and your world back. Resistance to loving who you are is the only thing that causes your experience to be challenging.
When you become your authentic self, you love who you are and all others, and the restructuring you all desire will be successful. You will be fine.
August 12, 2023
You were born worthy. Your worth is located within your authentic self, or your connection to all that is. You make those discoveries as you live your physical life experience, depending on your willingness to take the journey of self-discovery.
We gave you a message three years ago on this date, and it will make more sense to you today as your awareness has grown and only requires your acceptance.
You can reread it now.
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