Today could be the best day of your life

April 23, 2024

Today could be the best day of your life. That could be the case for you every day as you take the next step on your evolutionary journey. But today provides you with a more significant opportunity during your planetary ascension.

Please read the message we provided last year on this date as we prepared for our conversation later today and your powerful full moon. Transformation is at hand.

April 23, 2023

You can change your world when you change yourself. It is you, or you would not be alive or reading our words.

You exist at a time of restructuring your world, which means you were given something of value. If you were to recognize and actualize your gifts now, you would add the energy of light and love to your life and world. 

No soul has more power and ability to accomplish that task than you. It only requires changing your perception of yourself and your life experiences, which have all been perfect to bring you to this moment.

You will move into another phase of this transition, requiring more of you to examine who you are, what you have ignored, and the generational limitations you were meant to release now.

You don’t know what you can accomplish until you try. The message we provided in 2012 will serve you now.

April 23, 2012

Whenever you use an excuse to explain your behavior, you also choose to put up a barrier or block your expansion. You may seek to find examples where this may not be true; however, after close examination, you will be hard-pressed to do so.

Any excuse then becomes your reason for not choosing to find a way, solution, or to make something possible, which is precisely expansion. You no longer need excuses when you become willing to own your worth, value, and inherent gifts.

Eliminating or not making excuses involves developing or recognizing one’s inherent courage and strength.


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