You will understand your importance today

April 20, 2024

You will understand your importance today. We mean each of you who read the message we provided a year ago and will participate in the live conversation we will hold today.

April 20, 2023

You have evolved. You each do that as you live your physical experience and do so in your consciousness. It is a continual process for each of you, but it has been heightened due to the restructuring of your world.

It will be different for each of you, but the goal is always for you to become your authentic self. We guided you on this day ten years ago, but it might surprise some of you who you could become. You will become comfortable with your new self, which was your intention on your life journey. We guided your ascension journey.

April 20, 2013

As you move through your physical life experience, you are in a constant state of evolving. This process was precisely your intention and why you desired to take this journey. This process will often make you uncomfortable because you are moving into unknown territory every step of the way.

You learned to fear that unknown from a very early age, and most times, that was an inadvertent result of those guiding you in an attempt to protect you. As you evolve, you begin to understand that protection is no longer necessary. To experience evolution truly, you must become comfortable with that unknown, which is letting go of the fear.

So now, a fully evolved being has become entirely comfortable in their own skin. This process is what you are up to. 


Here’s the session from last year that will make sense today.  
Watch the Video Here

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Your most important job is before you now

April 19, 2024

Your most important job is before you now. We told you what it was last year on this date and will give you the culmination in our live conversation tomorrow. 

You stand at the most vital point in your evolution and planetary ascension.

April 19, 2023

Love yourself first. As you view your life and world today, the message we provided in 2012 will resonate. If you choose to comprehend what we meant, your life and world will improve.

Please contemplate this message; we will expound more in our live conversation. You have waited for this time in your life. 

April 19, 2012

You use other people and your relationships with them to reflect on how you feel and think about yourself. This concept can be a precious tool for you to use when you understand it.

You have often observed others and noticed their particular interaction with another and how it might differ from what you know of that person. In other words, something about them changes as they interact. You do precisely the same thing but may fail to recognize it.

When you recognize it, you can make any changes or adjustments to how you feel and think about yourself and produce the results you truly desire.

 – Wilhelm

Please join us tomorrow for a very special channeling session:
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Success may frighten you

April 18, 2024

Success may frighten you. When we use the word success, we mean whatever would cause you to feel fulfilled, and you are living your mission.

We provided a message a year ago to aid your memory of who you are and have become, but it might take some time for you to accept this because you must move beyond your comfort zone to experience your success, and that can cause you to cling to your old self. You will no longer do that this month, and we have guided you. You can read all the messages for April 2023 and have a head start.

April 18, 2023

Here is what you wanted to remember. Every obstacle you might have experienced was to allow you to evolve. You decided to be alive during the significant change in your world, and we knew you might be tempted to give up hope or believe something has gone wrong in your life or your world, and they have not.

As you read our message in 2012, you will discover how useful it is for you today. You have a divine plan, and we remind you what you want to achieve. 

April 18, 2012

There is always a way for you to accomplish anything you desire to be, do, have, or manifest; your job is to allow that way to come to you. When you accept the belief that there is no way, you will not see it and halt your expansion.

This principle is the process you decided to begin on this, your physical life journey, for it is the only way that you evolve or expand as you intended. It may be helpful for you to think of all the past times in your history when that way seemed impossible, and then miraculously, it was revealed to you. In actuality, it was not miraculous but a natural turn of events.

– Wilhelm

Here’s a recording to help you:
Click Here to Watch the Recording on YouTube

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You always catch up

April 17, 2024

You always catch up. We are referring to your evolutionary process, including your current global restructuring.

You will believe in yourself more today when you visit the message we gave you a year ago and a live session from two years ago. 

April 17, 2023

Being authentic is your superpower. You were born to evolve, become more, and offer yourself and the world something new. No soul is born without that capability, but it requires self-acceptance, which means releasing your self-judgment.

We gave you a message on this date in 2012 that you will understand now as you have accessed new parts of yourself during your evolution and planetary ascension.

But we also wanted you to hear a session we had a year ago that you might understand today. You evolve in your consciousness and self-acceptance, so be patient with yourself, as you will need to be with your world. Both operate together. Reread this message for understanding.

April 17, 2012

Your hidden expectations create your reality as well. You might think of your hidden expectations as certain beliefs or ideas you hold that may be temporarily blocked from your conscious awareness. You form these expectations from your past experiences. In other words, you will often have specific experiences and begin to believe they are your reality. They become a part of your being and become hidden because you have become accustomed to them.

When you manifest experiences that reveal these hidden expectations, you can gain new beliefs and ideas and create a very different reality in your future nows.


Here’s the recording:
Click Here to Watch the Recording on YouTube

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Don’t become alarmed

April 16, 2024

Don’t become alarmed, either by what you might be experiencing or witnessing in your world or by the message we provided on this date last year or the live conversation we had later. We have always guided your restructuring. 

April 16, 2023

You only feel insecure when you refuse to embody your authentic self. You were born with gifts within you that, when you move toward them, will cause you to become the empowered person you are.

You might have found that prospect more challenging recently due to your planetary ascension, which we have called your restructuring. We guided you and did so on specific days to help you remember and embrace your divine plan. We did so on this date in 2012. You will feel more secure and less fearful when you heed its guidance.

April 16, 2012

You will never feel wholly secure as long as you are in physical form, which is good. Your intention while on your physical life journey was to expand continually. For you to feel motivated enough to accomplish this, insecurity will show up to perform that function.

When you understand this concept more thoroughly, you will relinquish your self-judgment of those moments of insecurity. Insecurity means that you feel that something is not complete or missing. This condition is never the case; however, the process is purposeful for your goals to be fulfilled.

You begin to notice that this is all cyclical and meaningful.


Here’s the recording. (April 19, 2023)
Ascension Circle Members May Watch it Here 

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You are meant to be unique

April 15, 2024

You are meant to be unique. There are times in your life when that was the very thing you feared when, in essence, it was the most valuable thing you could become.

You will find it exceedingly valuable to embody this message today as you and your world take another step into your planetary ascension. All the events you will experience and witness today were a part of your plan and that of your planet. 

We shared a message about this restructuring back in 2012, a message that you are now beginning to comprehend. This understanding is not from us but from your higher self. We are merely here to reinforce what you already know deep within.

April 15, 2012

Your uniqueness, or individuality, is precisely what you desired to celebrate, own, and contribute when you came onto the physical plane. Many times, however, you have sought conformity or what you think is expected, which is in stark contrast to your original intention.

You knew that contributing your uniqueness would make the greatest impact not only to your expansion, but to all that is. You would do well then to seek to fully know, own, accept, and celebrate every element of you that is different and unique.

You can offer no more excellent gift; it is your most assured path to happiness and joy while on your journey.


Please listen to our last conversation on your eclipse, and your ascension will be hastened. 
Ascension Circle Members May Watch it Here 

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Ascension is remembering

April 14, 2024

Ascension is remembering. You each come to the physical lane with a soul mission that unfolds for you using linear time. You will be more likely to accept what we provided last year because you have remembered more of your mission, and the next step is to live it. 

April 14, 2023

Here is what you want to remember. You and your world have been accelerating rapidly in your ascension, and you might not have retained some of the principles of who you are and why you have a physical life experience.

When you visit what we gave you ten years ago, you will note how it applies to you and your world now. You have everything you need, and we are reminding you. 

April 14, 2012

Everything you desire is already manifest, available, and waiting for you to claim it. This principle is a realization that you will continually come to as you move through your physical life experience. Nothing is placed outside of your reach or capability except in your thinking.

Others will only see or feel your talents, gifts, and abilities once you first acknowledge, see, and embrace them. This configuration is a beautiful process of expansion and evolution. As you begin to recognize more and more of your potential, it becomes your new reality, your new moment of now. Embrace this journey of self-discovery and rejoice in the endless possibilities it holds.

– Wilhelm

Please listen to our last conversation on your eclipse, and your ascension will be hastened. 
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Nothing changes until you do

April 13, 2024

Nothing changes until you do. This is an essential part of your evolutionary journey, but it is far more important due to the restructuring of your world.

Our message from a year ago will strengthen you today. 

April 13, 2023 

Please choose the life you want. When you decide to become your authentic self, that is always your choice. It only sometimes seems that making that choice would be in your best interest due to the life you might have lived, but that is where you have failed to find the value of who you are.

You were born to follow a unique life journey that would cause you to live a magnificent life. You also add the energy of light and love to your world, which is needed now, so we are asking you to choose yourself.

We guided you on this date; if you follow it, you will soon experience the results. None of you believe yourselves fully and carry doubt about your ability to make a considerable contribution, which our messenger doubted as well. Still, now we have the results of the work we provided in a ten-minute video. Please believe in yourself, which is our only intention. 

April 13, 2012

You would do well to choose your priorities based on what you believe will lead to your most remarkable expansion, what you enjoy the most, and what you think will make the most significant contribution to all others. 

Priorities, as it is being used here, refer to what you choose to do, be, have, or create. Anything then is within the realm of possibility, but that does not necessarily mean that all are worth your time and effort based on the result you desire to receive.

This process will allow you to clarify your current life path and move from any momentary place of procrastination. This process is how you chart the adventure you have always intended to experience.

– Wilhelm

Please listen to our last conversation on your eclipse, and your ascension will be hastened. 
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Your ascension journey reveals your truth

April 12, 2024

Your ascension journey reveals your truth. The veil is always lifted for those who are willing. That is you.

April 12, 2023

The truth of you was needed now. We would like you to consider that phrase at this time in your life and during the restructuring of your world. You only know your importance once you begin to feel the truth within you, which is your authentic self.

You always hold doubt as you move through your physical life experience, which would be heightened at this time of your planetary ascension. We gave you a message on this date ten years ago, which is still challenging for many of you, including our messenger, to accept.

You will each begin to discover aspects of yourselves you had not considered. Usually, it was because you didn’t know your importance. Now you will. The truth of you and every soul is invaluable.  

April 12, 2013

Your truth is valuable, will consistently be underestimated by you, and is never static as long as you are in physical form. Truth is what you believe is true about your human experience. You form this truth through your experiences. Your truth is not developed through intellectual learning, for that does provide you with knowledge, but truth gained through experiences provides you with wisdom.

Since what has become your truth is known to you, it does not seem valuable because you take it for granted, which is why you underestimate it. Your truth constantly changes as you have more experiences, which is why it is never static.

When you attempt to notice the value of your truth, you will be inspired to give it away to receive even more. 

– Wilhelm

Please listen to our last conversation on your eclipse, and your ascension will be hastened. 
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Please take the next step

April 11, 2024

Please take the next step. It is always the one in front of you, and it is an essential one, which is why you, as the protagonist of your life, decided to live during not only your restructuring but also that of your world.

As you reflect on what we provided last year and listen to our recent conversation, you will be more encouraged to embody and embrace the significant strides you have made in becoming who you are today.

April 11, 2023

Please utilize this message today. We have said you and your world are moving through a restructuring, which is to let go of your past and the past of your world. That can only occur through you.

We gave you a message on this date in 2012 as we want you to understand the changes in your life and world and how to best use them for your progress, success, and happiness. 

April 11, 2012

You limit your future when you use your past to influence your now. While it is valuable to use the knowledge and wisdom gained from your past experiences to guide your physical life journey, it can also become precarious when you use it to set limits. 

In other words, your past can give you a frame of reference, so to speak, of what is possible, but anything you have already experienced is, by its nature, limited.

You always desire to experience and create more. Your next thing to create is right before you when you allow it to be revealed or come to you. Allow it into your awareness.

 – Wilhelm

Please listen to our last conversation on your eclipse, and your ascension will be hastened. 
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