You were born to change everything

April 2, 2023

You were born to change everything. We have said you are moving through a massive restructuring in your world, and you contribute by deciding to recognize and own your worth and value and add light and love to your life and the world.

We have also said we guided the way, but many of you found it challenging to believe, just as you have found it difficult to believe in your significance in changing your life and world.

We will continue with our guidance in our live chat with you today, but in the meantime, you can absorb the message we provided ten years ago that will resonate when you examine your life and world. It is time to stop complaining and begin creating and receiving.

April 2, 2013

Every complaint you have merely calls for a change in your behavior. Your immediate reaction to that statement might be to find instances where you feel justified, so to speak, in having your complaints. Every time you accept that thinking, you are giving away the power to control your physical life experience and your ability to experience a state of peace. 

It matters not if you think your complaints are caused by a particular situation or person in your life experience; you always maintain the ability to change it somehow. You can choose to leave the situation, person, or circumstance; ultimately, you can change your thinking, which always changes your experience. 

You can use every instance where you complain as an opportunity to regain your life and experience that peace.  


Please join us! Sunday, April 2, 2023
Ask Wilhelm – What’s happening in your life and the world?

Wilhelm’s Pathway to Self-Actualization
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You have a divine plan

April 1, 2023

You have a divine plan. We know it is you; otherwise, you would not be reading our words as you have never been in an accidental place. All that does occur is you decide when you want to hear us because we speak to you with a universal consciousness, just like your higher self that you sometimes choose to hear. 

We have been guiding you through this planetary ascension because the most vital thing you can do for yourself and your planet is to love yourself and gain a higher awareness of your importance and all you have traversed in your life.

We have given you this information on specific dates to reinforce your belief in yourself, and we did so ten years ago and will continue with our live chat with you tomorrow.

April 1, 2013

Your life is always waiting for you to show up. It would be helpful for you to imagine a path in front of you waiting for you to follow to your magnificence. It is always there, but sometimes you are unwilling to walk that path. 

Nothing is difficult or challenging on this path, but you can sometimes obscure it in your thinking. You should seek to merely recognize how you get in your way and block your path. You will do this by not doing what you know will lead you down that path, not making choices or decisions that you know will accomplish the same thing, or simply giving your power away to others.

You are never waiting for anything or anyone else but yourself. 


Please join us! Sunday, April 2, 2023
Ask Wilhelm – What’s happening in your life and the world?

Wilhelm’s Pathway to Self-Actualization
Your Last Development Program, 100% Guaranteed

Learn to Meditate and Channel Like Roger

Wilhelm on YouTube